Money MarketToo wide will attract all money market mentions
WalletToo wide
Money Market AccountNeed rule to pull in only this phrase and not mentions of paying accounts at the money market like DSTV, municipal accounts etc
Shoprite Wallet
Shoprite AppToo wide will pull in all app mentions
Money Market App
Money Market USSDNeed rule for this specific pharase, other USSD mentions must go the the current correct queue
Proposed KeywordNeed rule for this specific phrase, physical stamps must go to the current correct queue
Electronic saving stamps
digital stamps
Money Market Account PIN
Money Market PIN
Money Market Account token
Money Market Account wi-code
QR Code
Savings Goals
OPT code
Money Market Account transaction history

Final Key Words Configured on Conversocial
WalletMust include the word money market and or transfer 
Money Market AccountMust include the word app or e-wallet
Shoprite Wallet
Shoprite AppMust include the word money market, transfer or e-wallet
Money Market App
Money Market USSDMust include the word money market, transfer or e-wallet
Electronic stamps
Electronic saving stamps
Digital stamps
Money Market Account PIN
Money Market Account token
Money Market Account wi-code
Shoprite bank 
Mobile transactional banking service
Instant money wallet