Money Market Account (MMA)
Click on the Shoprite Admin Portal Link
Enter your username as well as your password
We have different functions under the admin portal users account
With identities one can view a customers full account for eg. name,surname,identity number,mobile number as well as date of birth
User Change Requests
With user change requests a consultant or agent can change a customer's mobile number.
Click on add user change request
Click on the search button
You will then either enter the customers cellphone number or their name and surname
Once the search is complete , click on the customer information where the cellphone number needs to be changed
You will then need to enter the new cellphone number
Click on Submit Change Request
The customer will then receive an OTP which needs to be given back to the agent immediately
With signups , you can see when a customer signed up
How they signed up
Their mobile numbers
If they would like to receive marketing from Shoprite
The users function enables the consultant or agent to reactivate a customers account as well as closing or blocking a customers account
Enter the name and surname of the customer
You will then go to the status of the customer where you will make the changes there
Click on Status
Either Activate,Inactive,Locked or Blocked
Click on the Shoprite Admin Portal Link
Enter your username as well as your password
Below are the different functions on the statement account
We have different viewing options under the requests function
Search by Deposit
Search by Cash Withdrawal (Not Activated as yet)
Search by Goods and Services
With deposits , a consultant or agent can see how much money(stamps) a user has deposited
Cash withdrawal is not activated as yet
With Goods and Services a consultant or agent can view how much stamps a customer has used to purchase items or goods in-store or online
With the accounts function you can view a customers stamps balance
Transactions will give you a overview of all transactions
Stamps that was received or loaded
Airtime, Electricity or Goods purchased
Vas Transactions
Under Vas Transactions we can view one of the below transactions
Airtime purchased
Electricity purchased
Bill Payments (Not Activated as yet)
Below you will see a few examples of when airtime is purchased
Below is a few examples of electricity purchased
Vas Requests
You can view all failed requests for airtime as well as prepaid electricity