Call Centre Back Office Guide
Call centre agents will be able to access the SuperSwift back office for the following reasons:
∙ Ability to activate customer accounts
∙ View customer details
∙ Ability to edit verified customer details
∙ View customers transaction history
∙ View customers receivers (beneficiaries)
∙ Customer Email, SMS & OTP history
∙ View incomplete registrations
∙ Complete or delete the incomplete registrations
A Computicket call centre agent will login to the SuperSwift back office and be presented with the below Dashboard:
The most important tabs will be in the blue on the left hand side of the screen. The tabs are 1. Dashboard – This is an overview of how the SuperSwift product is performing. No actions can be performed here.
2. Customers – This tab is made up of the following sub tabs, Customers and Incomplete Registrations. Here you will be able to do the following:
∙ View Customer details
∙ View account information
∙ View transaction History
∙ View existing beneficiaries
∙ View all emails, SMS’s and OTP’s sent to customers
∙ Help customers complete their incomplete registrations
3. Compliance. Here you will be able to view and verify new customer accounts.
Customer Tab
Call centre agents will be able to action most of their abilities in the Customer tab.
After you have clicked on the Customer tab it will drop down like in the above screenshot and you will see the Customer and Incomplete Registrations tabs. Let’s start with clicking on the Customer tab. This will now give you access to all verified customer accounts as seen below:
If a customer’s account has been verified and activated you will be able to find the account under the Customers tab. Near the top of the screen you will see the word Select and a magnifying icon. This is a search tool used to find a customer’s account quick and easily. You can request any of the following information to find the customer’s account:
∙ Account number (this is the customers SuperSwift member ID seen under the account number column) Example of a member ID: MMC49924211
∙ Account name/Contact name (This is the customers first names and surname) ∙ Email (customers email address)
∙ Mobile (customers mobile number)
Click on the Select dropdown to view the different search options as seen below:
If the customer agrees to using their SuperSwift member ID as a search option then select the Account Number option from the dropdown and request the customers SuperSwift member ID. After the customer has provided their information, then click the magnifying glass as seen below:
The customer’s account should be displayed. If there are no accounts displayed then the customer has given incorrect information. In order to view the customer’s details the call agent must click the customer’s member ID as seen below:
After gaining access to the customer’s account please ask the customer 3 security questions such as:
1. When last did you send money? (Last Deal Date?) 19/09/2021
2. What is your mobile number? 061 000 0000
3. What is your date of birth? 03/07/2002
If the customer answers all 3 security questions correctly then the call agent may proceed with the call.
If the customer isn’t able to provide all 3 answers correctly – please refer the customer to the operations team by emailing the customer name and reason for referral to
View Customer Details
Once the call agent is in the customer’s account, the following information can be viewed:
∙ Details – This includes all the customers’ general information like personal information, address information, and ID/Passport information.
∙ Account information – This includes the customers source of income and Xtra Savings Card Number.
∙ History – This includes transaction history, payment history, and receipts history.
∙ Beneficiaries (Receivers) – This includes all the customers beneficiaries/receivers that have been created.
∙ OTP – This includes all the OTP SMS’s that have been sent to the customers mobile phone.
∙ Sent Emails – This includes all automated emails that have been sent to the customer by the SuperSwift system.
∙ Sent SMS - This includes all automated SMS’s that have been sent to the customer by the SuperSwift system.
∙ Dashboard Messages: Not currently in use.
Customer Transaction History
The customer’s transaction history is split into four different tabs. This being Balances and History, Currency Transactions, Payments, and Receipts as seen below:
Balances and History: This shows the customers overall sent balance. And remaining balance left to be sent this year.
Currency Transactions: This tab shows every transaction the customer has created. This includes transactions that have been successfully completed, refunded, cancelled and transactions that are still awaiting payment. Please see the below transaction statuses and their meaning.
Open: This means no payment has been made by the customer. Customers have 48 hours to make payment.
Settled: This means payment has been made by the customer.
Released: This means SuperSwift has successfully sent the transaction to be paid out.
Cancelled: This means the customer has cancelled the transaction or the transaction has been in an Open status for 48 hours and the customer has not made payment meaning the transaction automatically goes into a Cancelled status.
The currency transactions tab displays all the transaction details explained below:
The call centre agent can scroll the bar at the bottom of the screen to the right to view the last column being Status:
Date: This is the date the transaction was booked into the SuperSwift system
Reference: This is the SuperSwift transaction reference. Customers will have this reference when querying transactions. If the call centre agent clicks on this transaction reference number additional details will be displayed as seen below:
CP Deal ID: This is the transaction reference for SuperSwifts payout partner in the pay-out country. The customer will not have this reference and it will not be queried at all.
Buy CCY: This is the pay-out currency that will be paid to the beneficiary/receiver. Buy Amount: This is the pay-out amount that will be paid to the beneficiary/receiver. Sell CCY: This is the Rand or ZAR currency paid to SuperSwift by the customer.
Sell Amount: This is the amount of Rands the customer has sent or still needs to send to SuperSwift before the transaction will be paid to the beneficiary/receiver.
Rate: This is the exchange rate charged to the customer.
Value Date: This is the date the transaction will be paid out to the beneficiary/receiver. Status: This is the status of the transaction. Statuses have been explained earlier on page 6.
Payments: This tab displays the list of transactions that have been successfully paid out and transactions that have not been paid out by SuperSwift. Please see the below columns and what each column represents:
Payment Date: This is the date the transaction was actually paid out to the beneficiary/receiver.
Reference: If the call centre agent clicks on this “P” the system will bring up the additional details of the transaction as explained earlier with regard to reference.
Beneficiary: This is the beneficiary or receiver of the transaction. If the call centre agent clicks on the beneficiary name the system will bring up additional details of the beneficiary as seen below:
Currency: This is the currency that is paid out to the beneficiary/receiver.
Amount: This is the amount of foreign currency that was paid to the beneficiary/receiver.
Linked Contract: This is the SuperSwift transaction reference linked to this pay-out.
Status: This is the status of whether the transaction has been paid out or still needs to be paid. Released in this column means the transaction has been paid. Pending means the transaction still needs to be paid unless the transaction was cancelled then the transaction will stay in a Pending status.
Payment Receipt: This will be explained in the next tab – “Receipts”.
Receipts: This tab displays all the transactions that have been paid or not paid by the customer. Please see the below columns and what each column represents: